Hi, There! I’m Christina. A writer, herbalist in training, wife and mom based in New Zealand.
I started The Wholesome Seed as a platform to connect mamas from around the globe who are raising wholesome and earth-loving human beings. We are living in extraordinary times, calling on us to live sensibly by reconnecting with mother earth and planting the seeds that will allow our children to flourish. By uniting as conscious mamas, we can inspire a shift to living wholesomely.
A Southern California native, who for the past 10 years called Sydney, Australia home. I moved to Sydney when I was 23 years young to experience something different (i.e. romanticizing about moving abroad and falling in love with an Aussie!). To an extent, I did just that, sort of. I met my husband Jackson the first year I moved to Sydney. He wasn’t necessarily a part of my plan, seeing as though he was a Kiwi from New Zealand, but 5 years later, we fell in love and the rest is history.
Fast forward to 2020. We found out we were pregnant on January 1st, got engaged in June and eloped two months later before we welcomed our son, Louie, in September. Even though the pandemic was in full swing around the globe, it was slow to catch in Australia, so it was the most beautiful year for us. Then came 2021, and that is when it hit me hard. I was a new mom with no family around, working from home while raising Louie in a hard lockdown. My mental health declined rapidly and even though I had my amazing husband and son, I felt so alone. Being a new mom is already isolating but throw in living in a country away from your family and a pandemic makes it even more isolating, I completely lost myself.
Seeing as though we didn’t know where the world was heading, we made a panic decision to move to my husband’s home country, New Zealand. The decision happened so quickly that I didn’t have time to process it all, and to say it was a lot to digest would be an understatement! Here I was, a city girl in what I would consider the middle of nowhere. It is a country town by a landslide for a gal like me and it has been an enormous change. I went from having so many amazing friends who were essentially like family in Sydney to a place where I knew no one other than my husband’s family. It was a harsh reality, and I thought “What have I done!!”.
But then I realized, life is an adventure waiting to be explored, and this is our new chapter. So, I decided to fully immerse myself in country life. Being a vegetarian, I have always had a special love affair for all things fruit and veg, but living in the city, you naturally lose the connection of where your food comes from. Living in the country has opened my eyes to a natural way of living that dates back to our ancestors, planting and growing our own food and visiting local farms that share the same appreciation for our planet. I guess you can say living here has really inspired my green thumb and how I want to raise my son. Along my brief journey here in New Zealand, I have connected with some amazing moms who are raising their kids this way and this inspired The Wholesome Seed. I knew I couldn’t be the only mom out there longing to find mom friends who were aligned with my beliefs and were raising their children to influence a better future. I hope The Wholesome Seed connects mamas around the globe and can be used as a resource for all things health-related. Here you will find healthy recipes for your family to enjoy, herbal remedies and all things motherhood. I hope coming here will help inspire you to live more consciously and in harmony with one another.