Our Food System is Broken
One of the main problems with our food system is the way it is structured. Food production has become industrialized, with large corporations controlling the vast majority of the food that is produced and sold and our regulatory agencies who are supposed to have our best interest have been captured.
Most food is processed and packaged in ways that prioritise convenience and shelf life over optimal nutrition. This means that much of the food people eat is highly processed, toxic and lacks the essential vitamins and minerals our bodies need to function properly.
Our food system is broken, and we need to make changes to fix it. We need to support small-scale local farmers who practice organic and regenerative farming, promote healthy food choices, and ensure that everyone has access to fresh, non-toxic, nutritious food.
For me personally, I have gone through such a big journey the past year learning about our food production, how broken it is and how the need for regenerative farming is imperative to not only our health but the health of our planet and all living beings. In today’s world, we need to be conscious consumers, we can’t rely on our regulatory agencies to have our best interest. From mass production to overuse of pesticides and herbicides, it has become so detrimental to the health of the people and our planet. This is why it is so important to shop locally and better yet, start growing your own food!
“The need for self-sustainability is more pertinent than ever today.”
Focus On Local Over Large Grocers
I am a more conscious buyer, I purchase locally and avoid big grocers, mainly because I want to know where my food comes from. To be honest, I have absolutely had it these past few years with corporations and it has pushed me to purchase things from my local neighbours. I haven’t bought any produce from a large grocer since moving to New Zealand.
Each week I go to our local farmers market where I buy everything from fresh produce to locally made cheese, to locally caught fish and honey. I buy local organic raw milk, and get pasture-raised eggs from my dear friends. I do this so I can ensure my family is eating the best possible food and avoiding anything that has been grown with chemicals and more importantly to help support my community. This for me brings back my connection to the land and to the farmers who are consciously caring for their community and the land in which they grow their food.

By making the below changes, we can create a food system that is sustainable and healthy for all.
Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle
Try to recycle as much as possible and reuse what you can instead of buying new. Donate unwanted items to secondhand stores, charity shops, or on online marketplaces. We started purchasing our milk from a farmer who uses glass bottles, that way we are saving on our plastic use. Every Friday, I go pick up our milk delivery while returning our empty bottles from the previous week. We always try to buy things in glass so we can reuse them to store things in.

Support Small Businesses
Instead of buying from big corporations, support small and independent businesses! Not only are you helping to support local businesses, but you are also reducing your need to purchase mass-produced goods. Also, there are some amazing people that are making their own homemade products that are better for you, your family, and the environment! I have started buying all-natural beauty products since being here and it feels SO good to know where it is coming from rather than a big corporation. I will do a follow-up post on this with the products.
Grow Your Own Food
Growing your own food ensures that you have fresh, organic produce right at your doorstep. You’re in charge of how it is grown, meaning you can avoid harmful chemicals and pesticides that are often used in commercially grown produce. Also, you gain such an appreciation for the food you eat as you get to watch it grow from seed to food! There is no better feeling than being able to pick the fresh produce you have lovingly grown.

It is more important than ever to start living self-sustainably by growing our own food, supporting local food producers and being conscious consumers. By making informed decisions about where our food comes from and how it is produced, we can create a more sustainable and healthier future for ourselves, our communities, and the planet.
“Let us all take responsibility for our impact on the world and work towards creating a better food system that benefits everyone.”