New Mom Advice from Our Wholesome Mamas

Becoming a mom for the first time is pretty nerve wracking, so many questions, so many expectations, and a whole host of “unknowns” seem to await you! Here at The …


My Miscarriage(s) Story

There’s no guidebook on how to navigate your emotions after you have experienced a miscarriage. Everyone’s experience is different, and everyone copes differently. I have learned from my own experiences …

flying with toddler

Tips for Flying with a Toddler

Nervous About Traveling with a Toddler?

Just the thought of flying with a toddler is enough to get your cortisol levels going. I know before our first international flight with …

Books for Toddlers

Books for Toddlers

One of the beautiful things about being a parent is entering the wonderful world of children’s books! There are so many amazing books out there that it’s really hard to …

nursery must-haves

Nursery Must-Haves

Setting up your nursery is one of the most exciting things when it comes to nesting. Deciding its overall style and feel, what colours will compliment your theme and what …


My Postpartum Must Haves

Knowing what you need for yourself during postpartum can be quite overwhelming. Especially when it’s your first baby. I remember wracking my brain around what I would need and what …


As You Step into Motherhood

Embracing the journey through its ups and downs.

Stepping into motherhood for the first time is something that no one can prepare you for. No matter how many books or …

picky eaters

How to Raise Non-Picky Eaters

Picky eaters can’t live with them, can’t live without them…am I right?

It’s almost inevitable that kids will go through their phases around food, where they will be hot on …